Viral DNA Extraction cartridge

Home / Product / Reagent / Extraction cartridges

This product is provided as ready-to-use cartridges for extracting viral DNA. Samples are placed in a cartridge, and the cartridge is mounted on a NuActor instrument, and it is automatically processed to extract highly purified viral DNA quickly and simply.
Viral DNA purification from human serum/plasma.
Diagnostics Value
Stable results in molecular biological diagnostic tests depend on the purity and stability of the extracted DNA used. This product introduced a cartridge-type all-in-one extraction kit that automatically extracts high-purity viral DNA from human blood (serum/plasma) and provides stable results.

Selection guide

Item / Platform NuActor ExAmplar
Viral DNA extraction kit O
Quanti-HBV v1.0 60T O


Sample type Sample vol. Assay time Storage Shelf life
Viral DNA
extraction kit
Serum/Plasma 200 μL 〈 13 min 15-35℃ 12 months

Related products

Sample type Sample vol. Assay time Storage Shelf life
Quanti-HBV v1.0 60T Serum/Plasma 5 μL 〈 30 min (DNA) -20℃ 12 months

Ordering information

Cat # Test/Kit
Viral DNA
extraction kit
UFPK-2 96

Related products

Cat # Test/Kit
Quanti-HBV v1.0 60T UFPK-2 60 (+36 controls)

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Ugenecell protects your data protection on and related Ugenecell websites through the following basic principles:

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3-1) List of collecting data

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  • 4-3) The procedure and method of destruction is as follows:

A. Process of destruction
We single out the collected personal information that need to be destroyed and destroy it with approval from the data privacy officer.

B. How to destruct
We destroy the electronic documents with low-level-format and use grinder to destroy the paper documents.
5. Your rights
You are allowed to obtain access to the personal data that Ugenecell processes and can make reasonable requests to correct, amend, or delete information, where it is inaccurate.
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In addition, whenever Ugenecell processes your personal data based on its legitimate interest, you may at any time object to such processing on legitimate grounds relating to your particular situation.
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You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if you suspect that Ugenecell is not compliant with applicable data protection rules, which Ugenecell is subject and that you have the right to enforce, as a third-party beneficiary. Indeed, if you suffer any damage related to the processing of your personal data, you have the rights to obtain redress and, where appropriate, receive compensation as may be ordered by the competent court or Supervisory Authority or as decided according to the internal Ugenecell complaint mechanism, if used.
6. Security measures applicable to your personal data
Ugenecell implements all appropriate technical and organizational steps to ensure an appropriate level of security for the protection of personal data from the risk and, in particular to protect personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access to. The same level of protection is contractually imposed by Ugenecell on our services providers.
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Ugenecell websites may contain links to third party website which is provided for your convenience only and Ugenecell is not responsible for its contents, security, and personal information protection. Ugenecell does not warrant any product or service related to such third-party website.
8. Data Privacy Officer and Contact
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Additional Rules
This privacy policy takes effect on July 1st, 2021.